Back to the other programs matrix manipulations

4.4 Matrix manipulation matrix multiplikation and inversion

Call Animal model. or inbreeding and inversion and other matrix programss.

   ... Matrix 1  ...                         ....Matrix 2....                               .... Result matrix...   

Set digit for print ->

For larger sets of data use notepad -or any other editor. Move the data to the
input area (left field) by means of the clip board using ctrl-ins (copy) and shift-ins (insert).

Matrix P * vektor x is equal vector y

P*x = y having the slolution x = P**-1 * y Invertir først the matrix P and then multiply the invers by the vector y - the order is shown below

       - x -
      1 .5 .5
     .5  1  0
     .5  0  2   put this in the imput aerea 1 and pres invertir botton
The inverse Matrix
1.60 -0.80 -0.40
-0.80 1.40 0.20
-0.40 0.20 0.60  move the inverse to imput aerea 1, diget set to 2
- y -
4      move the y vector to imput aera 2 and pres  matrix multply botton
- x -
product 3 * 1 

2      the result  of the invers matrix (above) x * y you find  in the result aerea

1 5 3
1 - 3 
5     the result yo find in the result aere


Remember to make an inverse the matrix has to be positive definit. It means there should exist a solution. A relatiship matrix is always.

Remember when multiplying two matrices the number of columns in the first one shall be equal to the number of rows in the second one. Back to the other programs