14. Genetic calculation javascripts and other programs

By Knud Christensen - Lecture notes, front page (in Danish), Lecture notes, front page (in English)

Be careful not to leave any blanks (not visible) in input fields, so if the script will not run, test if the cursor stands right next to the number in all all fields you have touched. 

Critical Values of the Chi-Square Distribution

        df      .20     .10     .05     .02     .01     .001    .0001
        1        1.64    2.71    3.84    5.41    6.63   10.83   15.14
        2        3.22    4.61    5.99    7.82    9.21   13.82   18.42
        3        4.64    6.25    7.81    9.84   11.34   16.27   21.11
        4        5.99    7.78    9.49   11.67   13.28   18.47   23.51
        5        7.29    9.24   11.07   13.39   15.09   20.51   25.74

        6        8.56   10.64   12.59   15.03   16.81   22.46   27.86
        7        9.80   12.02   14.07   16.62   18.48   24.32   29.88
        8       11.03   13.36   15.51   18.17   20.09   26.12   31.83
        9       12.24   14.68   16.92   19.68   21.67   27.88   33.72
        10      13.44   15.99   18.31   21.16   23.21   29.59   35.56


2.2 Chi-square test for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium

2.4 Calculation of mating type frequencies in a H-W population

2.5 Chi-square test for 2 by 2 or 3 by 3 table (eg linkage disequilibrium)

2.5 Many programs for statistical tests, collected by Lowry, USA

2.51 Linkage: Calculation of gamete and genotype frequencies

3.4 Selection: Change in gene- and genotype frequencies

3.5 Change in gene- and genotype frequencies: Effect of population size

4.5 Calculation of relationship and inbreeding coefficients by the tabular method

5.6 Calculation of Chi-square test for deviation from Mendelian ratios

5.7 Calculation of corrected segregation ratio according to Singles method

6.2 Calculation of mean, Genetic and Additive values and Dominance deviations

7.2 Estimating simple forms of breeding values

7.2 Estimating animal model breeding values

7.2 Matrix manipulations

8.2 Calculating breeding values and selection response

8.3 Calculating selection index

8.3 Calculating heritability for threshold traits (diseases)

Link to some basic statistical formulas